now blogging

April 2024

It’s nearly two years since I last posted here…

For the first time in my life, it feels like my body has taken over control of me!

Because, whenever I start a DIY task, or any other mildly energetic activity — within a few minutes my body rebels, forcing me to lie down, and take a rest.

Suddenly, I’m faced with the loss of so many things I’ve enjoyed throughout my life. Like woodworking, mending my bike, cycling to the supermarket, exploring the Hebrides…

But, gradually I’m coming to terms with being ill, and getting old.

And, at times, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude, for all my happy memories.

My blogging hobby is tangled up with these conflicting thoughts. I just need to untangle them a bit, before I get trapped by them.

Writing them down might help, whether I publish them here, or not.

A bright full moon, from our front door, yesterday night